Dog & Cat
Waitlist Form
As of now Wicked Clean Dog Mobile is UNABLE to Accept NEW clients immediately. Although this is a good thing because this means we are busy, we also know this can be frustrating for New clients wanting our award winning services. If you would like to be put on our WAITLIST we are happy to do so. Please fill out the below form completely.When we get cancellations etc. we pull from the waitlist to fill open spots. Please know we are working hard to include more of our furry friends at Wicked Clean Dog Mobile.
Thank You for Understanding.
Cities & Towns that we currently service:
Rehoboth,Swansea,Somerset,Fall River,Dartmouth,New Bedford,Fairhaven,Mattapoissett,Marion,Rochester,Lakeville,Freetown,Assonet
If you are NOT on this list we do not currently come to your area.
If you ARE on the area list PLEASE fill out the form below to be put on our Waitlist!